Plumbing emergencies can happen all of a sudden. In a city like Singapore, finding the right plumber within a short period of time could be a big challenge. Even if you are in a position to identify them, many times these professionals may have their hands full. They could be overbooked and therefore it might take a few hours or even days for them to respond. This could be a tricky and problematic situation, especially when you have a leaking tap, or a pipeline that has cracked. It would therefore be a good idea if you have some knowledge about simple plumbing tips. It certainly can save a potentially messy situation. The last thing you would want is a home where water from the kitchen faucet may have flooded the entire living room. It could damage your expensive carpets and other such fixtures and fittings. We are sharing some time-tested and proven DIY plumbing tips that could come in handy in a city like Singapore.
Learning To Turn Off Water
When you have a leaking faucet in the kitchen, bathroom, toilet or other areas of the body, the first and foremost task is to ensure that the water for the entire house is turned off. You should learn this and it is no rocket science. Whether you are living in an apartment or in an individual home, it is quite obvious that your main water inlet will have a valve that can be opened and closed. You must identify the same and knew beforehand where it is located. When you see that your faucet or water pipeline is leaking and water is gushing out, all you have to do is to turn the main water supply source off. This can be done but turning the valve from on to off. This will preempt things and you may then call a plumber and set things right as far as the leaking faucet is concerned.
Learn To Repair A Leaking Faucet
Many people think that replacing a leaking faucet is a big task. It is not actually so. In most cases, the problem could be because of a faulty and damaged washer. This can be replaced easily without calling for the services of a plumber. However, before replacing the washer with a new one, you must ensure that the water supply to the faucet is stopped. If the supply valve is located in the kitchen or bathroom where the faulty faucet is located, you could turn off water supply for that particular area. This will ensure that other parts of the home get water supply. You may have to visit the nearest hardware store and by a washer. This can be done easily and if this also does not work, you may have to find avenues to replace the faucet.
How to Stop Running Toilet
You often come across situations where you have running toilets. In most cases, it happens because of a faulty flapper inside the tank. The flapper may fail to close or get sealed properly. You can do this by turning off water supply to the toilet using the water switch-off valve located that is usually situated behind the bowl. If the chain is not working well or is damaged or needs adjustment, see that it is done properly. If the chain is working well, then the problem could be with the arm that is holding the chain in its position. In a few situations, you may have to replace both the flapper and the arm. This can be done easily and within a few minutes and it also is not expensive. Anyone who spends some time would be able to do it quite satisfactorily without the need for a plumber.
Is Your Toilet Clogged
This is a common problem in many homes. You always must have a plunger readily available with you. This could come in handy when your toilet becomes plugged. You must know how to carefully use the plunger. Ensure that the water level is as low as possible as far as the toilet is concerned. You also should keep some old rags and towels handy. These might be required in case there is an overflow when the repair is taking place. Once the plunging has been done carefully, flush carefully. This process may have to be repeated a few times so that the clogging is cleared fully.
The Final Word
It always makes much better to sense have some basic understanding of plumbing tips. These could come in handy before you are in a position to hire the services of a qualified and experienced plumber to take things forward.